Wednesday, November 16, 2011

zee AVI

seriously i wanna go to this concert but..haish........budget probs n x perfect timing....huuhu

Monday, November 14, 2011

RElationSHIP are LIKe glASS SOMEtimes itS BETTEr to LEAVe theM BrOKen, thaN TRy to hUrt YOURSelF PuttINg it BaCk tOgEther..

yes... maybe its time
                                                                       sick of exammmmmmmmmm

Sunday, November 13, 2011

such a stressful day !!!!

*sigh* such a stressful day ................. why is it so hard to study ???? why couldnt we study without having any stress ????????????? ....................tense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

assignments here and there...time given are long enough but why can't I finish them ? M i SO STUPID or what ???? ~!q~!@$#$#%$^%&$%*^(*(%%$%


With small words they make a big difference in your lives. They teach and learn with you. They are the first ones you go to, when in need. Life is beautiful, life is pretty. But life turns fun, with friends and friends alone. Lets respect the bond that connects us all, the Friendship


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love
You could be the one who listens
To my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you
You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

Saturday, November 12, 2011


here i am .posting stuff here while All WORKS and assignments are waiting for me..I just so lazy and unmotivated for all this..Keep on looking at the hp screen wondering if anything happen but nothing happen and no new message nor call coming in.I am just fooled my self out.. I am so stupid.. putting so much hope and yet when things that are going not as what I expected, i will feel so SAD..... 

missing u

I miss you baby
I so wish that baby that you were here,
I wish you were here to spread some cheer. 
I wish you were here to hold my hand,
I wish you you were here to help me stand. 
I wish you were here to wipe away my tears,
I so wish you were here to take away my fears. 
But since your not, I just want you to know,
I miss you baby, I miss you more than I show. 
- poem by


for u MY LOve

You Heal My Wounds

Every time am hurt,
You help me heal.

I wish to tell you now

Of how, my core feels.

A hope, a faith,

You are all I crave.

You are calm and clear

Soft and tender, yet brave.

I see, live, and taste dreams

With you around.

When my soul is not with yours

I feel, am going down.

May we always stay in love.

- poem by

Friday, November 11, 2011

Every night I go to my friend's place near to my place. One day my friend n I saw a pity dog which the I can sure that in pain. By looking at the way it walks; I can say it was in pain. We wanted to help the dog. We approached the dog, and we called it "BOBBY", after few tries, we failed. Then two girls with bike wanted to park the bike near to place where "BOBBY" and I were standing. They Shouted "DOG!! “ I know they were afraid of the dog, but the dog did not do anything bad to them ... after few times they shouted, "BOBBY" went away. .. I just don't want the guard do anything to BOBBY. The guard always hit the dog, kick, and stone the dog with big stone...I sometimes feel so sad to hear to the sound of the dog's crying... 

Yesterday, I saw the same dog or should I say "BOBBY". BOBBY looked very tired and exhausted. We went back to my friend's room and get a piece of bread to give to the dog.  The dog saw us and it ran away... THE MISSION then again failed tonight. 
I just want to advice "these people", who treat dogs like a rubbish, please don't do anything bad to any dos, as long as the dogs don't do anything bad to you...please, if the dog can speak , i think the dogs will say "WHY U KICK ME? WHEN I JUST DO NOTHING TO YOU? "

i love dog

the memories

okay . . .

we failed to find DURIAN tonight. Last night we were so excited to have 6 durians and we couldnt afford to finish them .but today we failed.. huhu,GUEST...our bad luck..