Thursday, August 2, 2012

my Day of working

  Life isn't as bad as what i thought ..after i got offered to work at Thunder Match..i was offered to be TUition teacher. so currently i am doing 2 works...busy..yes so busy BUT.I x mind..what more important is i gain experiences..M so thankful to God
 that i am not alone..I have together with me my friend Najibah and Fatin who 
are my tears and my laughter during working time..After i was left alone here 
,i had to work alone with both of them..i x mind..i love working m now tuition teacher..i teach form 4 BM and primary 4& 6 
ENGLISH AND Bmthank God i am strong..i learnt from mistake.
.we cant just depend so much on people..
...i learn from mistakes...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

my PARTIME job

my partime job?? I always be grateful for what I get.I didn't ask too much..
After been searching for few weeks, I finally got MY PART TIME JOB!!!
  hehehehe..this time I work in Thunder match The Mines at Computer Shop..
damn! i learnt so many thing there...i3,i5, pross,specs, many... new experience...BUT still sometimes feel kinda useless since
 I could not serve customer well since my knowledge bout ict just basic2 only.
.but yeah.....I manage to handle..=)
seee how happy i am

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Broga Oh Broga

Last Monday, my friends and I went to BROGA!! The journey was quite dull at the beginning well, there were some issues that caused this dullness. So, in this outing there are 6 0f us BUT were used VIVA *OMG Can you imagine "putting" ourselves into the small ViVA? We're just like CANNED FOOD..struggling to survive.hahaha.LOL. We started our journey around 9pm+ when we had our dinner. My Malay friend, Shy tapaoed from Mamak Restaurant while the rest continued at Chinese'. It was an issue before about where to have our dinner, 4 of us said want to go Mamak while the other 2 friends want to go eat at Chinese.I was so surprised with their attitude that night.I mean, Come on, you know your friend is Muslim, why can't you tolerate with her and respect her? Instead one of these 2 non Muslim friends still want to go eat at Chinese.So, I told you,it was SO DAMN AWKWARD at the beginning.. But in the end, my Muslim friend, name Shy  just lost her word and sit with us IN CHINESE RESTAURANT. What made me so mad was, you know your friend is a Muslim, why can't you order something else ? Instead, you order PORK...To make this clear(actually, they are x my friend, they are my friend's course mate n my bf course mate)zz

Then we continued at Putra Jaya,hurm...nothing interesting went back to mamak stall...just order drinks since one of the members keep on mumbling about eating at mamak so dangerous
then we drive until semenyih to look for the road passed by Nottingham name ! ..hehehe .While waiting for 5 am to come , we went to mcD.i x order anything but they order after waiting n waiting we continued our expedition .yeay!!! 
Broga hill just near to Rabbit farm.. we need to pass by ladang then we walk until we need to walk until the top of the are some pictures to share..really NICE..but tired ,hehe.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

my best course mateeeeeeee bbq

this bbq was for Ba.eNglish students..=)

thanks for coming everybody !

 our chef = bean =)

all smiling faces shall be remembered for the rest of our lives =)

ChIneSE fOOd

Just thought of posting this ! But the truth is I x know the name of this food..they just so nice..

fyp oh fyp

Finally after a year, I finally finished my fyp earlier than expected.. hurm..
I would like to thank every1 for being with me and x stop giving me your supports..thanks everyone..Thanks u JESUS

Sunday, May 20, 2012

빅뱅 !!! 저는 빅뱅이 좋아해요 !!!

    빅뱅 hanging on my lovely wall (for me to stare everyday !!!) >.<v

      again another posters of 빅뱅 !!!   ops.. 김현중 as well .....
    sorry.. i know..its kinda dark over here..but still can see them =)
 the memory..i got this pic when we went sunway lagoon that time ....goshh..wanna go again!
     last but not least...frank'S stuff ONLY ..

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

girl's TALK ??

Damn it.... why is it so hard to understand a girl's feeling ? How i wish I am a guy so that I do not need to be so sensitive each i hate it.. Men just can't understand how one's feeling.. Things can be easier if we just straightly be frank to each other.. isn't it ? then things would'nt have ended TERRIBLY

*SIGH*...... how i miss being single again.. where i can go out with any1 i like, i can just stay in the room without some1 forcing me to go out for dinner n lunch, D.A.M.N


here i am looking for gps to buy for my brother.he asked me to buy and he'll pay back to me...pergh... i am damn confuse and i dunno where can i get it????

Monday, March 12, 2012


soon after i finished my partime job at Riche Montana, I straightly register for my Korean class..Damn..i cant believe I can now write hanguel and read sentences by sentences.though didnt sound like a Korean (well m x a native speaker)..but i feel happy..=)nice....
and the latest news? i just finished my finishing school..yeay !!! 

part time job in richie montana

last sem break was working with korean at Korean Bakery, i can't never forget the moments and memories as they are so awesome .... unni, aboji, chef, etc..learnt korean language =).
What more important, I GET THE CHANCE TO EAT KOREAN FOOD..
                                                    LOOK delicious right?? they are !!

                                                                        both unni =)